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Corns and calluses develop from repeated friction, rubbing or irritation and pressure on the skin. The most common cause is shoes that don't fit properly. With a little bit of attention and care most cases of corns or calluses can be treated professionally.


Those at greatest risk are people whose calluses split open and become infected. An infection can spread to the bone or the blood, and it can lead to sepsis or blood poisoning.


Thick calluses can produce deep and painful cracks and is often the result of excessive force and pressure through the heels. This can be caused by:

  • Being on your feet for long periods

  • Wearing hard, unsupportive footwear like thongs and open-backed sandals, or bare feet

  • Biomechanical factors that result in more pressure on the heels

  • Taking hot, prolonged showers

  • Increased weight

  • Medical conditions like diabetes


To prevent cracked heels you shall have the heel callus safely removed regularly. Moisturize your feet daily, avoiding the areas between the toes. Select appropriate footwear that won’t encourage callus or dry skin development. Avoid the prolonged use of thongs or bare feet, and wear shoes with enclosed heels and preferably wear stockings or socks when possible.


Larger corns and calluses are most effectively reduced with a surgical blade and special podiatry callus removal drill. The procedure is painless and effective however as calluses are the body's way of protecting the skin from excess pressure and friction as long as those conditions exist the calluses will continue to return.


If you have recurring corns or callus you will need an advanced callus removal session every 4-8 weeks, depending on how quickly the problems or pains return. 

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